This is the engine as we received it...............

WOW, talk about a tall order!!

 So lets give him a bath and see what's left shall we..............

O.K. so it's looking ever so slightly better but we have noticed that the cylinder is unwound a lot and it's obvious that the piston is solid in the cylinder so that's definitely not a good look.

Once we had cleaned up the outside a little we removed the already loosened cylinder from the crankcase. OH DEAR......

Now comes the fun part, lets see if we can fully dismantle this sad little engine without destroying anything.

 O.K. so we have managed to completely dismantle this poor boy without incurring any further damage. what a very sad state of affairs for this classic German steel to be in. Lets see what we can do to rectify that.

First step, refinish the crankcase.


Well that's the first step in a long road to life, hard to believe it's the same case but it is!

 Next step is to clean up the other parts that we'll reuse to keep the engine as original as possible.




 The very keen eyed amongst you may have noticed the broken needle stuck in the fuel jet, but with a little bit of gentle heat and some patience we were able to remove the broken off needle section and therefore restore the original fuel jet to use again. here it is here.

And refitted to the "looking like almost brand new" crankcase. Starting to look a bit healthier, and so far all original parts salvaged.

Now we''ll need a crankshaft, we will go ahead and clean the original but it looks rather like we'll be making a new one.


Well wadaya know, it'll do another turn or two. ever so slightly under perfect but still well within the "I'll work again" realm.

 Progress so far, only new part, prop nut. 

Well, now we will move onto the cylinder liner and tooling needed to restore it and make and fit the new piston, contra piston, gudgeon pin and con-rod as these parts are definitely not reusable.

 Quick assemble to look at the progress so far, looking a bit more like he should we think. So far ,except the prop nut, they're all the original parts that were on the engine to start with. Now let's get the internals finished.

 Here's the peiston and contra piston blanks all ready for final machining and lapping to fit the restored cylinder liner.