These 2 nice looking smallish mills replica engines were sent in to us from a client in the good ole U.S.of A as they both needed new crankcases made, the original ones had a rather inconvienient crack along the main journal.

Here's the cracks.

We'll strip both engines down, clean and then set up to machine 2 new cases from solid as per the original engine's however we will make a slight design change in the front housing area to eliminate the risk of future failure in this part of the case.

Here's both the engines dismantled and ready for cleaing and the replacement cases.

Now we'll sort the new crankcase tooling and start on machining out the replacement crankcases.

Here's the first stage of the new cases being machined.

Nextstep is to machine in the outside profile.

Next up is the final machining process to drill the holes and machine in the cylinder fitting holes etc.

And here they are al finished and ready to reassemble.

Now we'll clean and reassemble the engines and give them a test run.

Now where'd that fuel can go?