Here is the engine as it was received by us for restoration, missing the crank, rod, prop driver and washer/nut assembly and N.V.A. A very sorry sight. Luckily we had an example in our collection so we at least had a sample for the parts required.


Sample engine from our collection, which as it turns out has a bent crankshaft.

First step after dismantling both engines and cleaning was to make the 2 new crankshafts as shown below.

Progress of the repair shows completed crankshafts and cleaned parts ready to start the reassembly process.

Next step is to assemble the restored engines as far as progress permits to check that all the parts fit and play nicely with each other. We have also made ready a replacement con-rod for Kens engine on the left and the sample engine on the right will use the original rod.

Next step is to clean and assemble the piston and liner assemblies for both engines. Kens engine gets a new gudgeon pin but the sample engine was all ok.

Now we went ahead and made the prop driver for Kens engine and the prop nuts and washers for both engines. Assembled and ready for the needle valve assemblies.

And now we make and fit the replacement N.V.A. for Kens engine, clean and reassemble both units for test running. I made the needle carrier for Ken's engine slightly larger in diameter to help him make adjustments a bit easier.

Nest comes the test runs............

Here's the sample engine being tested for restarting after our rebuild.

And here's Kens engine on its first test run.