This project was inspired solely by sentimental nostalgia as the D.C. Sabre was the first engine I learnt to use and what powered my first control line model, the Bouncer, A sheet constructed basic trainer.

As usual this project will start with the engine being soaked in our cleaning bath and then dismantled to assess the damage and make a plan for the repair of this engine.

Here's the engine rinsed and dismantled ready for proper cleaning and assessing.


 Here's everything all nice and clean and ready to start with the repair process...

First things first, let's rummage through the parts bins and see if we can find a suitable back plate, prop driver, spinner nut and N.V.A.

Here's all the required parts we've found from our fairly exhaustive stock of new and used parts to complete this engine.

Now lets get this engine back to being healthy and happy.

 Here's the new N.V.A fitted up and the 2nd hand prop driver cleaned and fitted. It seems that we have the typical D.C. excessive clearance at the prop driver crankcase point so we will go ahead and make an appropriate spacer bush to eliminate that back down to an acceptable running spec.

 In the meantime, here's the replacement conrod, gudgeon pin and piston set parts. Next up is machine the piston and contra to fit the nicely relapped cylinder liner.

Cylinder liner lapped and contra piston fitted up.



Here's the little Englishman all put back together again, well mostly. Still waiting on the front spacer bush for the prop driver...............

Now lets get that spacer made up................

Here it is all ready for a test run.

Here's the first pop test run.