This little gem was sent in to us by a client in Australia asking to please make a suitable replacement con-rod as the original rods kept bending.

Here's the engine as we received it.........

First step dismantle the engine and check the rod out......

Well the gentleman wasn't kidding when he said it had a stuffed rod.......

Not to worry, we went ahead and made him a couple while we were at it so he'd have a spare......


The engine was then reassembled and we tried test running it.......................

Oh dear, turns out there is also a significant lack of compression.........

Then we had a second realisation. The gentleman was planning on actually flying this engine. So, we should point out, that the Embee 0.75cc engine is in fact only 0.62cc and that the engine features a rather silly "in our opinion" pressed in front housing which had a somewhat less than fantastic fit to start with. So what to do now. After talking to the client regarding the lack of compression the decision was made to rectify that and while we were at it we will just go ahead and correct the under size displacement and the insecure front housing.

 Here's the progress on the front housing correction/upgrade.


Now we start on the liner mods and rebore.......

Now it's time to make the tooling to manufacture the piston and contra and lap them to fit.