Here's the engine as we recieved it from Adrian.
This little bit of ED steel needs a bit of work and some reanodizing for him to look the part as well as feel it. So here goes another resurection.
Well here he is all stripped down and awaiting surgery.
First step, strip the old anodizing off and repolish the cylinder head to make it ready for reanodizing.
Here's the cylinder head all stripped and cleaned and repolished waiting to go through the next anodizing run.
Now it's onto the next step.
Here's the case all cleaned up and ready for the rest of the parts to be refitted.
Crankshaft and front end cleaned checked and reassembled.
Next up is the replacement con-rod.
Here's the crankcase reassembled with the bottom end all ready for the restored cylinder liner assembly with a new piston, contra and gudgeon pin.
Now its onto the cylinder assembly.
All finished and ready for reassembly to the rest of the engine.
Here we have the restored cylinder liner with new piston, gudgeon rod and contra all assembled onto the rest of the engine.
Now we'll make the replica fuel tank and get that ready to annodize along with the restored original cylinder head.
Now it's off to the anodizing plant we go.